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Muchalaht River Fish Weir822 viewsRoger Dunlop RPBio giving an explanation on how the Muchalat River fish weir functions and how it was built.
Cutthroat and Rainbow Trout Smolts1306 viewsThis is a comparison of a Cutthroat and Rainbow Trout in the smolt stage. Can you tell the difference?
Dunlop Creek Indicator Fence Field Trip702 viewsPaul Smith giving a demonstration on how to collect length/weights for Coho smolts from Dunlop Creek.
Lamprey Eel91 viewsPhoto of a full length lamprey eel captured from the Dunlop Creek Coho Fence and after being placed in an anesthesia solution it was placed on the measurement tool for recording before releasing back into the creek.
Fry Mark Recapture Assessment903 viewsChris Erikson (Conuma Hatchery) conducting a fry mark recapture assessment with volunteers on Hutchinson Creek.
Upper Conuma River Coho Transplant1522 viewsVolunteers helping the Conuma Hatchery to transplant adult Coho salmon into the upper reaches of the Conuma River.
Cutthroat Trout929 viewsThis big Cutthroat Trout was caught in the Dunlop Creek Coho Indicator Fence. A lenght/weight assessment was completed and the fish was released back into the creek.
Gold River Chinook Brood Collection964 viewsThis is a Chinook bleeding rack on the Gold River for the females before taking eggs.
Last additions - Streamkeepers |
Lamprey Eel91 viewsPhoto of a full length lamprey eel captured from the Dunlop Creek Coho Fence and after being placed in an anesthesia solution it was placed on the measurement tool for recording before releasing back into the creek.Dec 31, 2021
Lamprey Eel88 viewsPhoto of a lamprey eel's head and sucker like mouth.Dec 31, 2021
Lamprey Eel96 viewsPhoto of a lamprey eel captured in the Coho Fence on Dunlop Creek and placed in an anesthesia solution before taking measurements and recording the data.Dec 31, 2021
Chinook Brood Stock Capture1055 viewsVolunteers helping the Conuma Hatchery collect Chinook salmon broodstock from the Tlupana River.Feb 21, 2007
Upper Conuma River Coho Transplant1522 viewsVolunteers helping the Conuma Hatchery to transplant adult Coho salmon into the upper reaches of the Conuma River. Feb 21, 2007
Coho Transplant1474 viewsVaughn Michaud placing an adult female Coho into the chute that leads into the upper Conuma River. Feb 21, 2007
Fry Mark Recapture Assessment903 viewsChris Erikson (Conuma Hatchery) conducting a fry mark recapture assessment with volunteers on Hutchinson Creek.Feb 21, 2007
Setting the Net on the Gold River884 viewsVolunteers setting the net to capture Gold River Chinook brood stock in behind the Rod and Gun Club.Feb 21, 2007