



Meeting called to order at 7:09 pm.

Jim thanked everyone for attending.

Jim asked for everyone to sign the attendance sheet.

Jim asked for additions or changes to the agenda.

Dustin moved to accept agenda, Kevin seconded, called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Jim asked everyone to read over the previous minutes.

Motion to accept minutes by Kevin, seconded by Dustin, called to question, Jim updated everyone on the clean up at Dunlop Creek Fence site.

Hopefully he can coordinate this during the summer.

Jim stated that he has removed the centre of the fence to allow passage upstream for the Trout and the fence will be removed completely shortly.

There was some discussion on the angle of the fence this spring and whether we should look at make it a little sharper.

Jim talked about the FIA funding this year and how the criteria worked against us for applying.

He also commented that the paperwork involved is extensive and time consuming to say the least.

Jim commented that he would like to try and find other funding opportunities that we can apply to that don’t require as much time in the application process.

Jim updated everyone on the third stage of the Big Bend Creek project and that 50% of the plants that we planted under the hydro lines have died because of drought conditions.

We will have to look at the drainage issues and perhaps replant some more at a later date.

We also need to place more LWD in the triangles downstream of the culvert.

Paul commented that we should look at planting some cedar trees alongside Dunlop Creek in the future also.

There was some discussion on the attendance problems with some members and what we should do to change this.

We need to do a member drive to help mitigate this.

Mike McCallum is not in attendance so the update on the DFO auction dispersal sheet was removed from the agenda.

There was some discussion on possibly providing the stewardship education class to Tsaxana.

Jim stated that this is a good idea and he will look into it further.

Jim also commented that the final stewardship education class and field trip was a huge success.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

The field trip was held at Tlupana River and Cougar Creek campsite.

Dave Clough hasn’t returned calls or emails regarding Streamkeepers course, and this is probably due to his workload so we should look to see if another instructor might be available in the fall if Dave is still too busy.

Discussion followed on the stewardship coordinator issues with the NSWS and the office move.

Everything has been removed from the office and placed in storage except the two desks.

All NSWS items have been given to the society and Paul will pass along any other items to them that he finds in the future that belong to them.

There was an email from the Regional District and WCVI AMB on the Nuu-chah-nulth Sea Creatures Interactive Site at https://www.westcoastaquatic.ca/ .

Under new business there was some discussion on what we should spend the PIP funding we received from DFO and the NSWS.

We need to replenish the Streamkeepers kit, acquire more waders, vests etc.

Can we use the money to pay for a Streamkeepers course?

We will continue to look for an office hopefully donated in kind for all our equipment, data, maps, and computers etc.

Paul asked everyone to look over the financial report.

Dustin moved to accept the financial report, Kevin seconded, called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Action Items:

  1. Jim will contact Dave Clough to determine his schedule for the fall Streamkeepers course.
  2. Jim will write a letter of thanks to the Regional District and the WCVI AMB.
  3. Paul will contact DFO to determine whether we can use PIP funding to pay for Streamkeepers course.
  4. Jim will look into providing a stewardship education class to Tsaxana.

Kevin moved to adjourn at 8:20 pm.

Next meeting is September 20/2005 at 7:00 pm at Jim Mitchell’s place of residence.