



Meeting called to order at 7:18 pm.

Jim asked that everyone sign the attendance sheet for administration protocol.

Introductions followed.

Jim asked for additions to the agenda, Jim stated that he had three under unfinished business, they are:

  1. Update on education class/field trip
  2. Presidents final report
  3. Since Chris could not attend Jim will update on Dunlop Creek indicator fence.

Jim asked for a motion to accept the agenda.

Dustin McLean moved and Jane Bogie seconded.

Called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Jim asked everyone to read over the previous minutes.

Jane moved to accept the previous minutes, Dustin seconded, called to question, Jim commented on the lack of funding from DFO for any science, enhancement or stewardship projects and stated that there will be funding again this year from the Nootka Sound Economic Development Corporation (NSEDC) through the Forest Investment Account (FIA), all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Jim welcomed and introduced Joel Anderson to the members and commented that Joel is interested in joining our group.

Paul told Joe he would add his name to the list for the next stream keepers training in June.

Under unfinished business, Paul Smith explained the annual/monthly expense report handed out.

Jim asked if the amount under office supplies was correct.

Paul stated that it was a conservative estimate based on previous purchases.

Paul reminded everyone that we are doing administration for the Nootka Sound Watershed Society, Nootka Sound River Stewards, as well as ourselves.

This requires a lot of ink and paper etc.

Question was asked why we couldn’t use recycled ink cartridges to save money.

Paul stated that he has tried that and for every five we buy three don’t work and have to be replaced.

Filling cartridges on your own is very messy and unless someone else wants to do it, Paul will not.

Jim commented that he and Patrick Watson haven’t been able to connect to go down and discuss the agri culture issues (mushrooms etc.) with WFP.

Jim asked Patrick if he could commit any time soon.

Patrick stated that as soon as his temporary contract is up at this recent camp job he would contact Jim.

Jim updated everyone on the progress of the furniture and the remaining items will be donated to the Scouts for the upcoming flea market.

Paul said that he hasn’t heard back from any of the directors from the Nootka Sound River Stewards about donating some money towards the administration of their paperwork.

Paul talked about his conversation with Steve Baillie to add the Rod and Gun Club’s name to the Dunlop Creek Coho Indicator Fence documentation and any future references.

Jim updated everyone on the progress towards finding funding for us.

He commented that he has fallen behind a little, but there are donations coming in.

The Conuma Hatchery donated $956 and $100 from Sunkissed Charters.

He has verbal commitments and will follow up with them shortly.

Kevin Dello could not attend so the update on the storage of our equipment was tabled.

Paul reminded everyone about his or her membership dues.

Jim updated everyone that the Coho fence is now installed and smolts are being counted again.

He went on to say that the funding for the fence has been cut by DFO.

We used to receive a donation as compensation for our efforts to the tune of $1000, which we split with the Rod and Gun Club.

This has now been cut to $500.

Expenditures and mileage will still be paid for separately by DFO.

Jim explained that upper beuracrats within DFO have cut the science budget for the Pacific region, which has been passed on to the indicator fence projects on Vancouver Island, and probably other regions of BC.

He went on to say that he is very angry and disappointed with the timing of this announcement as we had already been given the go ahead and spent money setting up the fence.

He had sent correspondence to those responsible and those affected and received a reply from the Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation stating that they would donate $500 towards the project.

Jim asked the members to sign up for counting fish or to contact Chris Erikson to sign up.

We need to have some members on stand by in case a volunteer cannot make his time slot.

Jim told the members that we will be conducting a garbage clean up day at the fence very shortly and he expects all members to participate.

Paul updated everyone on the progress/status of Big Bend Creek.

We are still waiting to hear from Dave Clough on when he will be in our area to get started on the projects.

Jim updated the members on the success of the classroom education classes again this year and the planned field trip to Cougar Creek.

The tentative date is May 14, 2004.  Lunch will be provided.

Under correspondence was an email from the Stream Keepers Federation detailing two letters sent to MOWALP and DFO as to the changes to the Streamside Protection Regulations.

Paul commented that the two letters were in PDF format and rather large so if anyone wants to see them he will place them on the website.

Speirs and Company sent a reminder to renew our insurance policy.

Darrel Glass moved to pay the insurance premiums for 2004.  Dustin McLean seconded, called to question, Paul asked if we should continue to insure only 15 members or raise it to 20 to cover the new members for 2004.

Everyone agreed to raise the number to 20, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Also under correspondence was the email from Dave Davies and Sara Casley on her itinerary for the classroom education project at Ray Watkins Elementary School (RWES).

Jim stated that there were over 100 slides and a PowerPoint presentation.

Jim commented that he would also be looking at getting another Storm Drain Marking exercise going with RWES.

Email from Sean Wong of MOT on the plans for the culvert project at Big Bend Creek was next.

In it were details on how to move forward with the project ideas and plans.

Under new business, the inventory control plans will be tabled until Kevin Dello is in attendance.

Paul gave the financial report and asked everyone to look it over.

Dustin McLean moved to accept the financial report.  Darrel Glass seconded, called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Action items:

  1. Darcy, Dustin and Joel will pick up and deliver the furniture to the flea market.  2.  Patrick will contact Jim when he has the time to meet with WFP to discuss the FDP for upper Hutchinson Creek and other agri culture issues.
  2. Paul will send a letter of thanks to Conuma Excavating thanking them for their generous donations towards the riparian project at Big Bend Creek.

Darrel Glass moved to adjourn at 8:42 pm.

Next meeting is May 18/04 at 7:00 pm in meeting room number 1 at the aquatic center.