



Meeting called to order at 7:26 pm.

Jim asked that everyone sign the attendance sheet for administration protocol. Introductions followed.

Jim asked for additions to the agenda, Paul and Dave had two each.

They were placed under correspondence and new business.

Jim asked for a motion to accept the agenda.

John Bruce moved and Jon Banas seconded.

Called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Jim asked everyone to read over the previous minutes and for a motion to accept the previous minutes.

It was decided that because there was no quorum at the last meeting we could not approve the previous minutes.

Under unfinished business, Paul updated everyone on the Dunlop Creek Riparian project status saying that nothing has been done or accomplished since our last discussion.

Paul and Jim discussed the Coho fence stats and their importance to the future watershed enhancement of the system.

Jim talked about the net pen project this spring in the Muchalat River just below Muchalat Lake and the success with it.

Chris Erikson commented that we should look at placing an upstream box on Dunlop next year to aid the spawning migration of Cutthroat Trout while the fence is in place.

We had discussed this before but nothing was done and it was agreed that we would change that for next spring.

Paul talked about the Big Bend Creek Riparian project being chosen first in the watershed enhancement phase of the system due to the late timing and fall rains.

Dave Clough asked everyone to read over the handouts of the plan for the project.

Dave went to explain the benefits of increasing the natural plants in the riparian instead of planting trees that will create conflicts with hydro.

Dave also talked about the riparian zone of the creek above the area of our project and how this little system is quite healthy above the project.

He also commented on the sediment bed load that has built up in stretch before the culvert because of the culvert not allowing the sediment to move downstream.

This will be dealt with at a later stage in the watershed enhancement plan.

Dave stated that Western would provide the assessment documents on the creek completed by Dave Liard and most or all of the sundries.

Dave has also contacted hydro to inform them of our project and they have no objections and might donate something towards the project.

They will be in our area sometime in October doing work.

Dave described the native plants that we’ll be planting and how we identified them during a previous field trip.

Dustin asked why are we planting in October?

Dave explained the need to establish roots over the dormancy period.

He went on to say that it would be great if we could partner with the local schools to help plant when the time comes.

Dave Davies commented that we should contact Cathy Parnanen to see if they’d like to get involved.

Jim talked about the various potential funding opportunities available for this and other projects.

Jim updated everyone on the Forest Investment Account funding total of $7000.00 being received from the NSEDC.

We have until December 31/03 to complete the project.

Jim stated that we’ve received the $900.00 donation from the Aquatic Management Society and received the documents for signature signing over the stewardship assets to the Gold River Stream Keepers Society.

Jim commented that letters of thanks have and are going out to the donors for their generous offers.

Chris Erikson updated everyone on the sea lice study that concluded this spring.

The study used 19 different locations in Nootka Sound over 14 weeks to collect samples and then send those samples to the Pacific Biological Station in Nanaimo.

The data isn’t back yet as Dfo waits for the data from another similar study on the inside waters of Vancouver Island and mainland coast.

Chris commented that as time went on they did see an increase of sea lice on some fish.

He pointed out that this could be normal, we won’t know until all the data is reviewed and evaluated.

Paul stated that it would be interesting to see the final report once it is available.

Jim talked about the stewardship education project at the local high school.

The project was a huge success and ended with a field trip to Cougar Creek timed to coincide with “Oceans Day”.

Jim stated that this will be an annual event and would appreciate some more support from our members next year.

Dave Davies stated that he too might be able to get involved.

Jim talked about the shorekeepers assessment at Tuta Beach being cancelled this year due to a lack of manpower and what it means to our commitment to Dfo to assess a beach for 3 consecutive years.

The decision was made to make a concerted effort to collect data for another 3 years to complete our commitment.

It was also decided to change the timing of the assessment to June.

Paul talked about this falls salmon enumeration projects and asked for someone to volunteer to take on Dunlop Creek so we can correlate to the data collected from the Coho Indicator Fence.

Correspondence was from the AMS on transfer of assets.

Under new business, new members were discussed and whether we should charge membership dues for the remainder of the year.

Chris Erikson moved that we forgo membership dues for new members until next year dues are due.

Seconded by Chris Patrick, called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Dave Davies updated everyone on the recent meeting at the aquatic center between Dfo, Gold River Chinook Project and local community groups concerning the issues surrounding the salmon enhancement of the Burman and Gold River watersheds.

Dfo was seeking community input.

The main consensus reached at the meeting was that no one wanted to compromise Chinook production from any of the systems already being enhanced.

Paul gave the financial report.  John Bruce moved to accept financial report.  Jon Banas seconded, called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Action Items:

  1. Paul will look into the Psf funding deadline and possibility of the real estate fund.
  2. Paul will keep Jaime James in the loop and discuss getting involved in the Big Bend Creek projects.
  3. Paul will draft up a letter of thanks to the NSEDC and bring to next meeting for society to sign.
  4. Paul will send a letter of thanks to the Aquatic Management Society for the transfer of ownership of all the stewardship assets to us.
  5. Paul will turn over all shorekeepers data to Dave Davies and Dave will photo copy everything and give us a copy for our records.
  6. Paul will help coordinate with Chris and Dave Davies the broodstock collection for the Muchalat River.
  7. Paul will get started on creating a spreadsheet showing all society administrative costs per annum and present at a future meeting.

There was no presentation by Dave Clough as it was felt everything was covered in the previous agenda items.

Dustin moved to adjourn at 9:18pm.

Next meeting is October 21/03 at 7:00 pm in meeting room number 1 at the aquatic center.