



GUESTS: Domenico Iannidinardo- WFP

Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm.

Paul commented that he would be chairing the meeting, as Jim will be late.

Paul asked that everyone sign the attendance sheet for administration protocol.

Introductions followed.

Paul asked for changes or additions to agenda.

Kevin moved to accept agenda, seconded by Darrel.

Called to question, all in favor, none opposed, so moved.

Paul asked that everyone read over minutes for changes or additions.

Floyd moved to accept minutes, Darrel seconded, called to question, all in favor, none opposed, so moved.

Paul updated everyone on the status of the new invoice from Northwest Hydraulics.

Darrel moved to pay new invoice.  Chris seconded.  Called to question, all in favor, none opposed, so moved.

Paul talked about the cuts from the email list of previous members who have not been in good standing for sometime now.

Paul commented on the TD banking fees as told to him by Jim.

Apparently that is the lowest fee we can expect.

Paul discussed Jim’s comments on the E Team and similar programs that we had discussed previously and how Jim cannot find out anything on these programs.

Kevin stated that John McPherson was the coordinator for the E Team a couple of years ago or more.

Paul updated everyone on the status of the Dunlop Creek Coho fence.

Kevin commented that we should be looking at using sandbags that won’t disintegrate at the end of the project.

Chris feels that the burlap bags are the best for the environment and that the sand won’t wash away too far anyways.

Chris stated that we should create a calendar to identify the people who will monitor the fence so there is no confusion or gaps.

Some discussion followed on when to install it and issues around safety, maintenance etc.

Paul talked about the concerns from Stewart at the last meeting on the creek crossing on Bolton Mainline.

Domenico of Western Forest Products addressed the two creeks that cross the mainline and the materials used.

Western did not observe any sediment during the last two days.

Paul commented that the concerns were there was no BMP’s in place to stop the sediment from entering the creeks from the road.

Domenico stated that Western has shut down for the last two days due to heavy rain events.

He went on to say that due diligence is being taken.

Chris asked about another creek that is depositing sediment into the Conuma River just below the Hydro line crossing.

Domenico will look into this and get back to Paul via email.

Paul thanked Domenico for attending the meeting on behalf of Western to address our concerns.

Paul said that he had talked to Deb about the potential funding that Floyd had brought up at the last meeting and there was none.

Floyd commented that it was a misunderstanding.

Jim talked about his letters to various parties looking for funding to the office for three months.

He added that council tabled the discussions on the letter until next meeting because one councilor had some concerns that needed to be addressed by one of the directors.

Some discussion followed around the risks involved with taking on the office liabilities.

Paul commented that unless we can find $750 annually to pay for insurance we would have to return all assets to WCVI Aquatic Management Society (AMS).

Should we pay property insurance for assets we don’t own and never will?

Decision was made to send all assets back to AMS and to try and start over.

Jim asked Paul if we had copies of all the assessments, data etc. for G.R. Stream Keepers and the G.R. Watershed Committee.

Paul replied yes.

As Paul is chairing this meeting Jim moved that the president be allowed to move towards securing funding to keep the office open.

Chris seconded.  Called to question:

Chris asked what this would cover.

Jim replied that it would cover the rent, phone/fax, Internet etc.

Kevin stated that we re-visit this in two months to determine the status and progress or lack thereof.

All in favor, none opposed, so moved.

Action Items:

Paul will contact John McPherson about E Team.

Paul will take inventory for materials on hand and needed for Coho Fence.

Chris and Jim will create calendar for monitoring fence.

Domenico will look into other creek deposition into Conuma and get back to Paul.

Jim will look into councils concerns for office.

Darrel and Floyd will look at potential off channel project by Gold River.

Paul will try and resolve the web server issues.  Correspondence followed with letters from Northwest Hydraulics, Steve Baillie, Dave Davies, and the Pacific Stream Keepers Federation.

Under new business it was decided to postpone the special resolution to change the bylaws at this time.

Darrel talked about a potential project next to the Gold River below the Rod and Gun Club property.

Darrel and Floyd will look at this and report back to the society.

Paul talked about the web server (Pow Web) and how they have allowed another society to use our secure server address without our permission.

Discussion followed on whether we should cancel our account or try and resolve this issue.

Paul gave the financial report.

Chris moved to accept financial report, Floyd seconded.

Called to question, all in favor, none opposed, so moved.

Kevin moved to adjourn at 8:34 pm.

Next meeting is April 15/03 at 7:00 pm.